Whether you’re trying to get people to come to your website to buy products from you or you’re simply using your website as a way to share information with others, you’re not going to be able to accomplish either of these goals if no one can find you online. And to get found online, you’ve got to come up in the search results pages when people search for something related to your business.
While this might seem like an easy formula to figure out, it’s far from it. So to hopefully make this a little easier on you, here are three things you can try if you’re wanting to get your business to rank better on search results pages.
Fix What’s Wrong
Before you can start making any headway toward ranking better, you’ve first got to fix anything that you’ve currently got going on that’s making it harder for you.
According to digital marketing expert Neil Patel, one of the most common and biggest things that might be hurting your ability to rank well online is your links. If the links coming to your website look shady at all, you can get hit by a big penalty, which means you won’t be able to rank well in the search results. Knowing this, it’s wise to analyze your links to ensure that they’re legitimate.
Target The Right Keywords
Another reason you might not be ranking as well as you could or should be may be due to you not targeting the right keywords with your content.
To address this, Kelly Main, a contributor to FitSmallBusiness.com, shares that you need to think like your customers and target keywords or phrases that they’re actually using to search for things online. Then, when they type those words or phrases into their search engine, your business will be one of the results that they get. And if the content you’re providing is of a high quality, you should start to rank higher and higher.
Harness The Power Of Infographics
While you want to appeal to search engines in order to rank well, you also have to appeal to your target market. Knowing this, QuickSprout.com recommends that you create some visual content in the form of infographics in addition to text-based content. By creating content that’s both visually appealing and contains helpful written content, you’ll increase your chances of getting linked to by reputable people or websites as well as pleasing the bots who crawl websites for SEO purposes.
If you’ve been struggling to rank well in the SERPs, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you start to see some progress here.