Many people equate success with winning when it comes to gambling. However, they should not use these two terms interchangeably as they have different meanings in the gambling context. Winning gamblers may have the odd big income scoop, whereas successful gamblers enjoy themselves gambling, lose no more money than they can afford to, and know when to call it a day. Here are five traits of a good gambler:
Successful gamblers take calculated risks
Regardless of how players choose to look at it, gambling contains elements of math. This is even more applicable than when playing real money games that potentially affect their monthly budget. Some games, like blackjack and poker, require an even greater emphasis on math, as players need to calculate the odds of certain cards coming their way or whether they have a realistic chance of winning. Therefore, successful gamblers understand risk, are willing to take it, and know when it is too great.
Successful gamblers are in it for the right reasons
Good gamblers might equate having a casino session with the same feeling they get before leaving for vacation. For these players, gambling includes an element of relaxation, allowing them to decompress from the stresses of their everyday lives. They are mindful in their approach, living in that moment and not obsessing about the next game or how to recoup large losses.
Successful gamblers live in reality
These players and bettors do not regard gambling as a get-rich-quick scheme or rely on it as their sole income. The laws of probability and chance apply to all gamblers and must be accepted as part of this pastime. Unsuccessful gamblers tend to have an all-or-nothing approach and wind up disappointed after devastating losses that place them in financial peril.
Successful gamblers live beyond the moment
These are usually genuinely intelligent people who take a long-term approach when playing casino games. Their aim is not to have one sizeable short-term win, although they will accept it should it happen. Instead, they take the view that the likelihood of winning improves the more they play. They do not gamble impulsively as many less-than-successful gamblers do.
Successful gamblers strike a healthy balance
Unlike compulsive gamblers who cannot get through the day without betting or playing casino games, successful gamblers balance their personal lives. They leave room for multiple interests that go beyond casino games and gambling. This pastime does not take over their lives.