It’s cozy as the winter may be, and as many wonderful moments are to be shared during this season, from Christmas to New Year’s Eve, there’s one thing that’s for sure, and that is that the winter is known for being a time of illness. Since it’s so cold, it brings many challenges to our health. Not just the common cold, either.
The short days and lack of light can lead to your mental well-being declining as well. Health concerns can be even more dramatic for people over the age of 70, or under the age of five.
The good news is that by taking the right proactive steps, you can keep yourself feeling strong and energized well throughout the winter regardless of your age. Here are some of the best tips for staying strong and healthy once the temperature drops this year.
Stay Active
Perhaps one of the most important aspects of staying healthy is staying as active as possible. Cold weather can make it tempting to sit in the same place all day, but unfortunately this does nothing but take its toll on your physical and mental health.
Perhaps you could join an indoor dance class, or even try a home workout in the comfort of your own living room.
If you’re brave enough to go outside, you may want to layer up and trike a brisk winter walk. While you’re at it, why not find an outdoor ice skating rink to enjoy a little fresh air and whatever sunlight may show itself.
Budnle Up
Even though you may want to stay fashionable in winter, sometimes fashionable isn’t always the warmest great address. Bundle up as much as possible to trap the heat and ensure that your windproof and waterproof here it is remember, the most important areas to bundle up are your ears and neck.
Your feet are equally as important, so make sure you wear warm socks and tightly sealed shoes. You don’t want to allow any water or wind to sneak its way through your shoes which can increase your chances of getting ill.
Boost Your Immune Defense
Winter often comes with all sorts of germs in the air. And while you may not be able to protect yourself entirely from the germs around you, you can reduce your chances of catching whatever bug is going around.
The way that you do this is by boosting your immune system. Eat plenty of nutrient-rich foods with plenty of vitamins like zinc and vitamin C. In addition to taking supplements and boosting your nutrient intake, you also must remember the importance of sleep. Rest is vital for keeping your immune system strong, so prioritize seven hours of sleep at night, and you can’t go wrong.