When it comes to obtaining or entering an IRS-EIN-Tax-ID, not just anyone can begin the process. You have to have a qualifying reason to obtain a tax ID. You can always utilize the Tax ID lookup to find out if your business already has a number in place or might need one, but chances are if you are not sure, then you probably do not already have a number. Here are a few examples of someone who is lawfully able to enter an IRS-EIN-Tax-ID.
Partners and Corporations
Anyone who is a partner or owner of a corporation can obtain a Federal Tax ID number. These types of business most definitely need a tax ID number in order to be in compliance with state and federal guidelines. Obtaining a Tax ID means that you can file your taxes under this number so that they are kept separate from your personal taxes. Other businesses that fall under this category include real estate companies, investment brokers, nonprofit organizations, etc.
Independent contractors are sometimes lawfully obligated to obtain a tax ID number, but not always. If you are an independent contractor, it will depend on a number of things in determining whether or not you need a tax ID. For example, if you were to become incorporated as a business or hire employees, you might need a tax ID. Otherwise, you are likely not required to obtain one.
If you fall into any of these categories, visit our website to start your application process. We offer same day distribution of EIN numbers and we work quickly to get the process underway. IRS-EIN-Tax-ID is a quick and easy way to process your EIN number and get you well on your way to what you need to comply with guidelines.